In the early eighties I had the opportunity to explore the basics of synthesizers on a Micromoog. Later I could benefit from these experiences when using my first own synthesizer, which was a KORG Poly 61. I increasingly enjoyed the possibilities of creative sound arrangements. With my first Yamaha DX7 my fascination drove me to buy the book “Fm Theory and Applications: By Musicians for Musicians” by John Chowning and David Bristow. Certainly I have not pervaded it completely, but it helped me produce interesting sounds even with the DX7.Â
Over many years and synthesizers the focus in sound programming was on the reproduction of sounds according to song patterns to be played in numerous cover bands. I regularly received very positive feedback for my sounds and more and more requests to support other keyboarders too. Â
Thanks to Peter Krischker, member of the international Yamaha Voicing Team and owner of the business EASY SOUNDS I had the opportunity to apply my experiences professionally for the first time in 2012: I reproduced numerous MOTIF-voices, that were based on the original samples of legendary synthesizers (Oberheim, Jupiter-8, DX7) and instruments (Hammond, Mellotron, Fender Rhodes). This is how the compatibility of EASY SOUNDS sound sets “Phat Analog II” and “Live Instruments” for the MOTIF series have been converted to the Yamaha work stations S70/90 XS and MOX6/8, which are unable to load external samples.  What is more, I participated as a co-programmer on the following EASY SOUNDS sound libraries:Â
On April 1st, 2020 I took over the  EASY SOUNDS Shop by request of Peter Krischker. More information about this change is available on a  dedicated shop site which contains basically the text of the mailing being sent to all customers before the change.Â
My approach on sound programming is mostly practical, the music being at the very fore. The aim is, to achieve within manageable investment of time the best result possible – either for a live performance or for a production. That is why I usually work – with or without sample – on the basis of presets that are rearranged for new creations. More demonstrations of my work you’ll find below.Â
If you are thrilled by this topic and want to enhance your skills in target-oriented sound programming, I’m curious to receive your message, which you can send directly by clicking on the envelope below. Many thanks.