General Terms and Conditions
and Consumer Information
Cool Webinars
Hans-Peter Henkel
Kleine Str. 8
D – 38116 Braunschweig
§ 1   Scope
§ 2   Definitions
§ 3   Conclusion of Contract, Amendment Review, Contractual Language, Codes of Conduct
§ 4   Wording
§ 5   Webinar Selection
§ 6   Terms of Payment
§ 7   Force Majeure
§ 8   Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
§ 9   Secrecy
§ 10  Place of Jurisdiction and Choice of Law
§ 1    Scope
By registering for a webinar you agree to be bound by these general terms and conditions. Deviating or supplementary conditions of the customer, which are not expressly recognized, shall not apply, even if we do not expressly contradict them.
§ 2    Definitions
1. A „Consumer“ “, as defined by these terms and conditions, according to § 13 of the German Civil Code (BGB), shall mean any physical person, concluding any legal transaction for any purpose, which can be assigned neither to his/ her commercial nor independent professional activities.
2. A „Business Entity“, in the context of these terms and conditions, according to § 14 of the German Civil Code (BGB), shall mean any natural or legal person or a partnership with legal capacity, who/ which carries out commercial or independent professional activities upon entering into a legal transaction.
3. „Customers“, within the meaning of these general terms and conditions, are both consumers and business entities.
§ 3     Conclusion of Contract, Amendment Review, Contractual Language, Codes of Conduct
1. The representation of the webinars on our website is not a legally binding offer, but a non-committal presentation. This is to inform you about the details, key data and contents of our webinars. If you are interested in any of our webinars, you can subscribe to the respective newsletter without any obligation. At any time, you may unsubscribe from the newsletter. For further details, simply register to the newsletter and/or refer to our privacy statement. After the minimum number of participants is likely to have been reached in view of the appropriate number of subscriptions to the newsletter for the webinar in question, we will inform you without obligations by email and will determine the date, on which the webinar is taking place. You can then register for the corresponding webinar using our shopping cart system on our website. To do so, put the appropriate webinar into the shopping cart, enter your personal data, select your payment method and finally click on the order button. During this reservation you can continuously correct all your entries. In addition, your entries are subsumed once more and can be edited or corrected, before you submit your order.
Receipt confirmation of your registration takes place together with its acceptance immediately upon its sending via automated email. With the email confirmation the contract has been concluded. To that effect, you have to ensure that the email address you specified for transaction is correct and that you can receive emails sent by us. Please also control your “spam folder“, if necessary.
2. Please note that the conclusion of contract can be exclusively carried out in the German and English language.
3. We are not subject to particular codes of conduct.
§ 4    Wording
Upon conclusion of contract, the wording/your order data will be stored by us and can be retrieved, stored and printed out at any time via your customer account, provided that you have established it. Apart from that, you will be sent the general terms and conditions as part of the confirmation of receipt via email. These terms are permanently available on our website so that you can also retrieve them, store them and print them out.
§ 5    Webinar Selection
The selection of webinars is the sole responsibility of the customer. We would be happy to assist you in the right choice of topics and send you further details on request.
§ 6     Terms of Payment
1. Payment shall take place alternatively by wire transfer (advance payment) or PayPal.
2. If you select the payment mode “bank transfer (advance payment)“, we will send you our bank data together with the acceptance of the offer by email. The invoice amount is immediately due for payment and is to be remitted to the account specified within seven days at the latest.
3. If you have registered with “PayPal“, and you have chosen this payment option, you can log in with PayPal by means of your user name and password. Payment to us is carried out either by debiting the bank account or the credit card, depending on which payment method you have chosen with your PayPal registration.
§ 7    Force Majeure
If we cannot hold the webinar on the date agreed upon due to force majeure, illness, accident or other circumstances, for which we are not responsible, we shall be obliged to inform you immediately. We will determine the next steps to take together with you. In this case, claims for damages on your behalf will be excluded, unless we have not informed you without delay.
§ 8     Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
Our liability for slightly negligent breaches of obligations shall be excluded, insofar as it does not relate to damages arising from injury to life, body or health or guarantees, or insofar as claims under the Product Liability Act are affected. Furthermore the liability for breach of duties remains unaffected, the fulfillment of which is a pre-requisite for the contract to be implemented duly and properly and on the adherence to which you may generally rely (cardinal obligations).
§ 9    Secrecy
The customer shall undertake to maintain secrecy with regard to all documents, received during the realization of the webinar and in connection therewith. The obligation of secrecy shall not apply to such documents, knowledge, results and information, for which the customer can prove that they have become generally known for a reason, for which the customer is not responsible.
§ 10    Place of Jurisdiction und Choice of Law
1. If you are a businessman, legal entity under public law or special fund under public law, then our business location in Brunswick will be the exclusive place of jurisdiction for all legal disputes arising out of and in connection with this contract.
2. The law of the Federal Republic of Germany shall apply with the exclusion of the laws regarding the international purchase of movable goods as well as of the private international law. Mandatory provisions of the state of your ordinary residence remain unaffected.